Get Your First 27 Cash Paying Patients!

Learn The Initial Strategies To Get Prospective Patients Calling!...So Your Lead Tracking List Starts To Look Like This! 

(See My Real Lead List Below From February!)

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Can You Have A Monthly Lead List Like This?

Yes!  But You Need The Foundation With The Right Marketing Strategies To Get Prospective Patients Calling

> Click Here To Get Started!

Learn Exactly What You Need To Do In Order To Generate Your First Cash Paying Patients!


There Are Patients Ready And Willing To Pay You Cash For PT!

You Just Have to Design The Right Strategy To Attract Them

  • Learn what is the #1 marketing strategy to get leads fast when you just open!
  • Learn what strategies work...and what doesn't! (So you don't waste your time)
  • Learn how to use your competitive advantage to attract your perfect patient
  • Learn how to attract those who value the quality of health care they receive...and are willing to pay cash!
  • Build your own custom initial marketing strategy to implement NOW!
> Yes! I Want More Cash Paying Leads!

In The Next 6 Months, You Could…

  • Average OVER 15 cash paying leads a month
  • Generate over $15K a month in sales
  • Get your practice growing with healthy pre-tax profits

The right marketing strategy can make all the difference. Don't worry...I got you covered!


The CBPT Initial Marketing Strategy

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You Are Ready To Get Cash Paying Patients?

This course will teach you everything you need to know to generate leads for your cash practice and what strategies are the best to start with. You’ll learn how to:

  • Attract your perfect patient
  • Generate leads fast
  • Build your own initial marketing strategy

Using simple and proven strategies, you could get your cash based practice off and running!

What's Included In The Initial Marketing Strategy Course...

We Have 6 Marketing Modules And Over 63 Trainings Videos Ready To Go!
MODULE SET 1: 6 Courses

Intro To Marketing

Your marketing strategy is going to be the foundation of generating leads for you and to grow your cash based PT practice, including:

  • How to create your initial marketing strategy
  • How to change consumer behavior
  • See what patients value

You’ll finish this module with a complete understanding of how to change prospective patient behavior to say yes to paying cash for PT

MODULE SET 2: 19 Courses

Marketing Principles To Get More Leads

With 19 courses in this will learn the marketing strategies to apply today to increase leads:

  • The 4 types of marketing and which one I think is best
  • Understanding the different kinds of leads
  • Understanding your perfect patient's demographics and psychographics

You’ll finish this course with marketing principles ready to put into action

MODULE SET 3: 8 Courses

Website Strategies

It's time to work smarter...not harder!  Learn how your website can generate leads for you as you sleep, you’ll learn:

  • The 5 main website pages to have
  • Tier 1 and Tier 2 page strategies
  • My website breakdown and my favorite call to action

You’ll finish this lesson ready to launch a website that converts leads

MODULE SET 4: 8 Courses

Start Up Strategies To Generate Leads

For many just starting out, the goal is to get prospective patients calling.  In this course, you’ll learn:

  • My concierge physician strategy
  • Leveraging other peoples platforms
  • How to build relationships and my local outreach strategy

You’ll finish this course with an action plan ready to start day 1.

MODULE SET 5: 20 Courses

Live Lecture - Guest Lecture Strategy

This is the #1 way to generate hot leads ready to pay cash that is ROI positive!  

  • How to get more people to RSVP to your lecture
  • How to perform your presentation that get people ready to book an evaluation
  • My follow lecture process to convert more leads

You’ll finish this course with a blueprint on how to perform a live lecture that generates leads fast!

MODULE SET 6: 9 Courses

Build Your Initial Marketing Strategy

The final step is to take everything you learned and generate your own customized initial marketing strategy.

  • Know exactly what you are going to do next month to generate leads
  • Learn how to use my score card to track leads
  • Learn exactly what I did when I just started my cash practice

You’ll finish this course with your own initial marketing strategy to launch .

This Course Is For You If...

You just started your cash based practice and don't have any patients

  • You just completed the CBPT checklist and Business Essential Course

  • You need more cash paying patients

  • You need to build a marketing foundation for your cash practice

  • You need more leads

> YES, THIS IS ME! (Sign Me Up)

I'm Ron Miller, DPT, OCS

After getting overworked and under paid in standard physical therapy practices, (and working in a healthcare model that isn't incentivized to get patients better) I decided to break away and start my own cash based physical therapy practice.

Now I use what I've learned to help other PT's, just like you, to open cash practices and start treating patients the way it's meant to be. I’ll show you exactly how to get leads coming in when you just open your cash based practice and how to get more cash paying patients to help your practice grow.

"Ron is the real deal to take your practice to the next level and take away the unknowns of building a solid foundation for your cash practice!"

- Dr. Eric Otero, Pinnacle Movement & Performance

"This month we've already had 12 new leads, 8 evaluations, and 5 of those were packages!"

- Dr. Sigri Reyes, Bump Fit Physical Therapy

"I had 25 people show up to my lecture and 5 booked and evaluation already!  If numbers work out that puts me at 20 visits per week and I'm only 2 weeks into starting my cash practice!"

- Dr. Eric Broadworth, Fuel PT & Wellness

The Initial Marketing Strategy Course

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